RV & Camper

Try to find a nature or wild lives with a small charming house on the wheels

Adorable Small Camper Trailer, Serro Scotty Sportsman 1970

Up for sale adorable small camper trailer, Serro Scotty Sportsman 1970

Looking for something cool to accommodate 2 person at RVing season?
Here's we've found this one being offered for sale in Craigslist for $6,500 located in Rochester, NY. As shown here is a vintage small camper trailer that was made by Serro Scotty in 1970 still in excellent condition.

Adorable Small Camper Trailer, Serro Scotty Sportsman 1970

This is a Sportsman model has 10 feet long with 1000 lbs for weight, all looks perfect to pulled by your classic car. The interior has been renovated also has a new paint inside and out, no words about leaks, rust or dent so it's could be one real cool small camper that was offered today.

1972 Serro Scotty Hi-lander Camper

Vintage Camper Trailer For Sale, 1972 Serro Scotty Hi-lander Camper

RVing season is coming!, flock RV was out of each storage and away from the town crowds, some in groups some was alone, all seek a peace with nature.

Some of you might so hard to accept when the RVing season comes and doesn't have one to roll out. For some not a big deal they goes to RV & Camper rentals office and done, but for the rest could try to find some. Check this out probably good for have own.

1972 Serro Scotty Hi-lander Camper

Here's found this one in Craigslist a vintage camper trailer looks perfect to own, that was made by Serro Scotty were has a long-running history in the construction of travel trailers, built in 1972 is a trunkback model of the Hi-lander Camper I guessing it has about 18' long 7' wide ready to offered. Asking $1800 is said good overall but still need some work to get ready traveling.